In this video I give a brief overview of my book WHAT’S RUNNING YOU? and living from your true self.

Some folks who read WHAT’S RUNNING YOU? asked about the morning routine I describe in the book so I created a video to take those interested through the steps. If that’s you or if you just want to see my embarrass myself…check it out.

The Other F Word Podcast #133: Cathy Guisewite on Embracing Failure

Legendary comic strip writer Cathy Guisewite of the world renowned comic strip “Cathy” and author of “Fifty Things That Aren’t My Fault: Essays from the Grown-Up Years”, explains how her own life failures led to the creation of this beloved character and how the real Cathy’s daily failures inspired the fictional Cathy’s storyline. From love life failures to the challenges of finding jeans that fit, Cathy the character expresses what every woman has felt or experienced at some point in her life, making her an essential icon of female struggles. In doing so, this character offered solidarity and hope for millions of women around the world.

Find out more about Cathy & “Fifty Things That Aren’t My Fault” @

Follow Cathy on Facebook: @CathyGwite and Instagram: @cathygwite

The Other F Word Podcast #132: Rebecca Kitt on Navigating the Challenges of Divorce

Rebecca Kitt shares her story about her problematic marriage and the challenges she faced throughout her divorce. Failure became a constant theme that led her to feel overwhelmed and defeated, and yet she persevered and found strength she didn’t know she had. In looking back, she shares her insight as to why the struggle was so hard and how disparate personalities approach conflict and resolution so differently. Rebecca offers thoughtful and concrete advice on how to steer your way through conflict with a difficult partner.

The Other F Word Podcast #131: Bill Watterson on Balancing Passion with Making a Living

Director and former musician and actor Bill Watterson shares his struggle of ambition and a passion to create art with the ability to make a living at what he loves. In this honest discussion, Bill tackles important questions about following his dreams, living a life full of rich experiences, but never arriving at a place where he can sustain himself financially. He questions his self-worth in a society that does not value artists and yet wonders, why can’t he just quit his artistic endeavors and find a job that pays enough to live comfortably? A hard and important conversation about sitting in the middle of failure.

Find out about Bill’s movie “Dave Made a Maze” @:

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