The Other F Word Podcast #71: Karen Walrond on the Beauty of Being Different

Karen Walrond, recovering lawyer, leadership coach, photographer and author of “The Beauty of Different: Observations of a Confident Misfit”, joins us to share her journey of celebrating uniqueness. Karen was born in Trinidad and moved back and forth to America as a child. Learning early on that survival meant assimilation, it became  so second nature that she forgot who she truly was. This was most apparent during her career in law, trying to assimilate as a black female lawyer in the oil and gas industry, causing her to feel like she was failing her truest self. In a bold move to harness a more authentic way of being, Karen quit her job and took to the road to photograph people who embraced their “difference”. Through this process, she came to celebrate her own uniqueness, no longer viewing herself as a failure, but instead finding her truest superpower.

Find out more about Karen @: